5 Critical Reasons to Transition from Business Landlines to UCaaS

More than half of adults in the United States do not own—or even use—a landline. Over the past twenty years, the number of households with operational landlines has plummeted from 90 percent to less than 30 percent

Businesses aren’t too far behind. Many companies are choosing to abandon traditional copper landlines in favor of a unified communications platform. For those of you wondering why, we’ve compiled some of the many reasons our clients have given for switching to our UC (or UCaaS) solutions. 

Infographics about the benefits of unified communications on landlines nowadays

Source: https://www.statista.com/chart/2072/landline-phones-in-the-united-states/ 

Reason 1: “It’s Much Easier to Manage”   

When you use landlines for your business communications, you quickly realize three things: 

  1. You probably can’t maintain all this physical infrastructure on your own. 
  2. You’ll need to hire a technician to maintain all the cords, hardware, and connections – or pay double for the provider to do it. 
  3. You’ll have to invest in other platforms to meet your other communication needs, such as Zoom for video calling and Slack for instant messaging. 
  4. And you’ll have to manage all those platforms and their respective providers. 

But UCaaS provides a way out of that costly confusion. One of the biggest benefits of UCaaS is that everything you need is in one place. Your phone calls, video conferencing, internal chat, business texting services, and more can be accessed (and managed) with a single login. 

It uses your current internet connection, meaning you won’t have to plug in more wires or wait for more lines to be installed. You can just connect it to your Wi-Fi and start calling.

With a UCaaS platform like ours, you have one communication powerhouse to worry about and one vendor to communicate with. This not only saves you stress and time, but it can also save you money. 

Reason 2: “It’s Far More Affordable.”   

It’s no secret that carriers are aggressively discontinuing landline-based services in favor of fiber optic connections. Their reasoning? Usage has dropped, and the lines aren’t worth the cost of keeping them up to date.

Thanks to a ruling by the FCC, providers who still offer landline services no longer have to keep their prices below a certain rate. So many are passing on the rising copper maintenance costs to businesses like yours, and those prices won’t come down for some time.

The benefits of UCaaS for companies like yours include getting an all-in-one solution at half the cost. It’s true! Switching to a UCaaS platform can reduce communication costs by 50 to 75 percent. Long-distance call costs are slashed, you get access to all kinds of additional features, and all you must do is pay one flat rate per user per month. 

It’s a budget-friendly way to keep you connected without worrying about the future of the landline. And speaking of the future. 

Reason 3: “We Can Customize Our Communications Without Extra Complexity”  

The future of landlines is uncertain at best. When it comes to customization, it’s more of a hassle than a help. Often, companies must call in special technicians or perform a complete overhaul to update a system based on copper landlines. 

But UCaaS platforms like ours let you meet the needs you have now and prepare you to meet the needs you’ll have in the future. Here’s how:  

  • Plug-and-play integrations: A UCaaS platform can handle more than just communication. With FirstComm’s integration library, you can integrate your CRM, email, task management tools, and more into our UC solution with just a few clicks.  
  • Bring-Your-Own-X: Got devices you’re familiar with? Or a carrier you prefer? With FirstComm, you’re not locked into our devices or carrier partners. You can bring your favorites, and we’ll work around them. And that includes legacy hardware. 

Plus, UCaaS providers like us constantly update and upgrade our platforms so your communications keep up with customer expectations and future innovations. 

Reason 4: “It Makes it Easier to Work from Anywhere”  

If you’re like most companies, your employees are interested in remote or hybrid work arrangements. In a recent Gallup poll, over 90 percent preferred that to coming into the office every day. Unfortunately, offering that kind of flexibility is impossible with landlines. Employees must be in the same location as that landline to make and take calls. 

A recent addition to the benefits of UCaaS is its ability to let you and your staff work from anywhere. Because it’s native to the cloud and only needs an internet-connected device to function, you can take your office phone system on the go without sacrificing security or professionalism. Especially if your UCaaS platform has a softphone app like ours. 

Reason 5: “It Improved Our Customers’ Experience”   

Today’s customers expect the same level of service no matter how they reach out, and if you can only be reached by landline, you risk losing business. According to Salesforce, over 40 percent of customers refuse to do business with companies that can’t be reached via their favorite communication channels. Plus, in an outage, your one lifeline to customers would be cut. How would they reach you now? 

With UCaaS, you can give customers the channels (and care levels) they deserve. With a few simple integrations, FirstComm’s UCaaS platform can be your one-stop customer care center, letting you answer chats, texts, calls, and emails from one place at your own pace. And add that personal touch over 70 percent of them expect. Especially if you take advantage of our call center add-on. 

And that’s just the top five – there are plenty of other reasons companies choose UCaaS over landlines. 

Enjoy All the Benefits of UCaaS With FirstComm  

Ready to upgrade? FirstComm has you covered. Our platform is packed with features you’ll love at an affordable price, allowing you to make the switch quickly and confidently. With us, you’ll get a communications upgrade and a care upgrade, too!

Our team of experts is available to support you around the clock, making your experience a delight from start to finish. So don’t wait – reach out today to see which of our packages is right for you!