The Professionals Guide to the Future of Work

The future of work is upon us, but many businesses are struggling to keep up. They want to improvise, adapt, and overcome, but they don’t know where or even how to start. If that struggle sounds familiar, this guide is for you. Our experts at FirstComm have compiled a short guide to success in today’s “new normal.”

Let’s get into it.

How to Prepare for The Future of Work: A Guide  

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And our first step is an important one.

1.) Prioritize Digital Transformation  

“Digital transformation” became a buzzword for a reason. Companies realized that to embrace the future of work, they had to embrace technology, too. This meant investing in remote work infrastructure like cloud-based communications and secure collaboration tools. These solutions are now accessible from anywhere, allowing teams to work wherever they want, whenever they want.  

Not to mention how well these platforms:

  • Streamline processes through built-in automation, reducing repetitive “work about work” and increasing efficiency.  
  • Boost productivity by giving your team easy access to the resources they need when they need them.  
  • Keep you competitive by allowing you to adapt to market shifts and customer demands more quickly. 

While digital transformation looks different for everyone, there are three simple steps you can take to get the ball rolling:

  1. Assess your current tech stack and see what might need to be improved or even removed
  2. Invest in user-friendly tools that align with employee preferences and corporate goals
  3. Provide training and support so they can make the most of their new digital resources 

This will set you – and your team – up for success as you step into the future of work.

2.) Foster a Culture of Flexibility  

The days of a rigid 9-to-5 schedule, and strict office attendance are fading fast. The future of work is flexible work. Whether offering remote work options, flexible hybrid hours, or alternative work arrangements, you must let your employees balance their personal and professional lives however they see fit.

But before you do this, you must define their roles and get both of your expectations surrounding it out in the open. Some ways to go about it include:

  • Developing clear job descriptions  
  • Establishing flexibility guidelines, including core hours and communication expectations.  
  • Setting SMART goals in collaboration with your staff  
  • Checking in regularly to discuss any progress or challenges

When you invest in this kind of environment, it pays big dividends. Your employees are happier and more engaged at work. You start attracting top talent that appreciates more flexible scheduling. This talent could bring new energy to the existing team, which could drive bigger and better innovations than ever, leading us to step three.

3.) Improve Communication & Collaboration  

While this is always important, effective collaboration is a must for remote and hybrid teams. And most employees agree. In a recent survey, respondents reported that better collaboration would:

  • Increase opportunities for business growth (61 percent)  
  • Boost employee morale (60 percent)  
  • Improve innovation, creativity, and engagement company-wide (64 percent)

However, many companies struggle to give their teams the right collaboration tools. Our advice? Try to simplify your communication and collaboration platforms as much as possible. Get rid of redundant apps and focus on the ones your employees like and use. Keep collaboration simple and intuitive, which will keep your team producing excellent work from Hollywood Boulevard to Peachtree Street and everywhere in between.

We’d also recommend that you provide regular feedback and foster open lines of communication between hybrid and distributed teams. This will break down information silos, keep everyone working towards common goals, and achieve better results.

4.) Cybersecurity & Data Privacy  

When it comes to the future of work, we must take the rough alongside the smooth. As remote and hybrid work increases, so do the cybersecurity risks. Companies cannot afford to be lax on that front for a second, or else they could be out millions of dollars.

Be sure you implement extensive cybersecurity measures like:  

  • Multi-factor authentication  
  • Encryption protocols  
  • AI-driven monitoring and threat detection

Taking these actions will mitigate any risks and protect against any looming threats. We’d also recommend scheduling regular cybersecurity training and awareness programs for your team. Especially since 88 percent of data breaches are the result of human error.

Having staff members who know how to stay safe online – and recognize a social engineering scam when they see one – can protect your business from costly breaches and maintain customer trust.

Step Into the Future of Work Today with FirstComm!  

Whether you’re transitioning to hybrid work or just exploring your options, FirstComm has a solution for you! From our unified communication platform to our network security offerings, we can prepare you for tomorrow today. Just contact our team, and we’ll be happy to get you started.